Mitt år som utbytesstudent i Kanada 13/14

Woot Woot!

Publicerad 2014-06-09 22:51:32 i Allmänt,

So my name is Becca and I am taking over Linnea's blog!!!!!! BWAHAHA!
No, I'm just kidding, just writing a quick post while Linnea looks at pictures of squirrels.
I don't know any Swedish just so you know, altough you've probably figured that out. Linnea's taught me a few phrases, but I don't know how to write them :)
I've been keeping up on the blog to see how Linnea sees living in Canada. It's been really interesting since we've shared a lot of classes and trips together.
The best thing about being on the blog though is translating it to English. I'm constantly trying to decipher sentences that didn't translate correctly, or words that didn't translate at all! But it's all in good fun and we all enjoy a laugh at the interesting phrases that turn up in posts.
Um. Okay. 
Not too sure what to write cause I was just told to make a post.
I'll tell you a bit about myself :)
I've lived in Ontario all my life, and have only travelled to Quebec and a few states in the US. I've never been overseas, although I hope to go to China in the near future. Travelling and being abroad isn't really my thing so I'll leave that to people like Linnea. 
Since Linnea and I are both elite musicians (well not really, but just go along with me) I invited her to join the community band that I'm a part of on Monday nights. This is always fun because it involves really difficult but fun pieces. One of my favourites (and I'm sure Linnea will agree with me) is Bayou Breakdown. We've also played a selection from Disney's Frozen and The Lion King.
In all it's been a really fun year getting to know and work and play with Linnea. We will all miss her terribly but know that Sweden is calling her Swedish heart home. :D
- Becca 
p.s. sorry I got a bit sappy (happy cheesey) at the end Linnea :P


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Linnea Källgren

Hej! Mitt namn är Linnea och här kommer jag berätta om mitt liv som utbytesstudent i Kanada, på andra sidan jordklotet! Jag är 18 år och bor just nu i Kitchener, Ontario där jag bor i en värdfamilj och går på Woodland Christian High School. Jag åker med organisationen YFU!



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